7-year-old Gives Back by Holding Food Drive

After battling cancer, 7-year-old gives back by holding food drive

Before March 7, 2018, Brock Meader of Livingston County was your typical 6-year-old. He loves cartoons, especially old-school ones like “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” his dog, and being outdoors – last Christmas his parents got him a four-wheeler. His mom, Christa, says he’s outgoing and smart, beyond his years.

One day he told his mom that he had a lump on his neck. Christa took him to the pediatrician office and was told it was mono. A few days later she felt a golf-ball-sized lump on the other side of Brock’s neck so she took him to the emergency room. Again, she was told it was mono.

That Wednesday she found another lump so she rushed him back to the doctor, who then sent her to the University of Michigan. Within 45 minutes after they did some blood work, they received the shocking news: Brock had cancer.

Christa says she wept while her husband was filled with anger. Brock didn’t understand at first but after the poking, prodding, and spinal taps, he quickly realized what was happening.

“He would ask why (cancer) happened to him, why it chose him,” Christa says. “I told him, ‘We’re a team. We’re gonna get through this.’”

Brock started to receive presents from toys to money. “I’ve always told him one day we’ll give back,” Christa says.

After his school did a fundraiser, Brock was inspired to do his own for his 7th birthday. Their goal was 1,000 items. Christa’s father-in-law works for Kroger, so he rallied employees in his region in the Saginaw area to collect food; they brought in 1,600 canned goods plus cash. Christa also spread the word through Facebook. After two months, Brock collected 2,850 items.

The family recently sat down to eat dinner and Christa told Brock that the food in front of them was a meal. They calculated the impact of how much his food drive would have on families and Brock was shocked, Christa says, recalling that he said, “‘Mom, can you imagine? I’m just one person and I did this!’”

Brock is proof that anyone has the power to make a difference no matter how old they are or what challenges they face.