Gleaners Welcomes Kellogg North America President for Annual Cereal Drive Announcement

Children’s Hospital of Michigan & Professional Nurse’s Council Efforts Will Top 4 Million Servings in 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017; 12:45 – 1:15 pm

Kellogg North America President Paul Norman; Gleaners President Gerry Brisson; Children’s Hospital of Michigan CEO Luann Thomas Ewald

Joined by representatives from Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Professional Nurse’s Council, The Kellogg Company and Gleaners Community Food Bank

Gleaners Community Food Bank; 2131 Beaufait St., Detroit, MI 48207

Kellogg North America President Paul Norman will tour Gleaners Community Food Bank for the first time, where he will announce Kellogg’s support of this year’s 8th Annual Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Professional Nurse’s Council Cereal Drive.

Paul Norman, Gerry Brisson and Luann Thomas Ewald will speak to the importance of the annual Cereal Drive and host a brief Q & A.

The Cereal Drive was founded in 2010 and collected 160,500 servings of cereal. In 2016, the effort brought in over 1.1 million servings, bringing the seven-year total of cereal servings collected to 3.9 million.

Children’s Hospital teams compete to collect the most cereal. DMC’s ten other hospitals and clinics also participate in the Cereal Drive.

Since its inception, the Cereal Drive has grown exponentially; nine children’s hospitals from across the country joined the competition, collecting cereal for their local food banks and more than 70 Tenent hospitals nationwide supported their local food banks collecting food and cereal the same week.

The Children’s Hospital of Michigan staff and nurses’ commitment to the health and wellbeing of the community’s children reaches beyond hospital walls. The Cereal Drive campaign was created to recognize and address the issue of childhood hunger and its impact on the health of our community’s most vulnerable.

Cereal is an expensive item for Gleaners to purchase; cereal doesn’t need special storage or preparation and has a long shelf-life making cereal one of the most requested items by Gleaners’ partner agencies.

Media Only:
For more information and to schedule an interview with a representative from Gleaners, Children’s Hospital of Michigan or The Kellogg Company, please contact: C&B Scene at 248.336.8360 or email: