Kroger, Gleaners Team Up for From Homes to Hearts!

Winter is a tough time for families in need and sometimes they face tough choices: Pay for skyrocketing heating bills or put food on the table? For some, it means going without food to make sure their family stays warm during the brutal Michigan winter.

These economic tradeoffs take a toll on our hungry neighbors, and more than 670,000 people in our community are food insecure. The From Hearts to Homes campaign offers much-needed support to families and individuals in need, and comes at a good time right after the holidays. Kroger and Gleaners teamed up on the food drive this past January, and resulting in the collection of 94,405 pounds of food. That’s the equivalent of 78,670 meals for hungry families in southeastern Michigan!

There were several opportunities for people to contribute. Kroger shoppers were encouraged to purchase $5 or $10 From Hearts to Homes bags filled with nutritious groceries including protein and rice that are later delivered to families in southeastern Michigan. Volunteers also stepped up to help Gleaners serve more families, including the Metro Detroit Young Professionals Kiwanis Club, who helped collect donations at the Troy Kroger. They collected eight grocery carts worth of food in the first shift alone!

Since 2012, Kroger and Gleaners have partnered each January on the food drive held throughout the month at 95 Kroger stores in Wayne, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, and Livingston counties. The From Hearts to Homes campaign is part of Kroger’s Zero Hunger | Zero Waste initiative to end hunger and food waste in communities Kroger serves by 2025.

Thanks to our wonderful volunteers and fantastic partner Kroger for all you do to help our hungry neighbors!