Tour Our New Drive-up Distribution Sites

Watch Stacy Averill, Senior Director of Community Giving & Public Relations, tour one of Gleaners’ new drive-up food distribution sites in Detroit. In total, Gleaners is operating 66 sites throughout southeast Michigan to meet the increased need during the state of emergency. With schools closed and many businesses at a stand-still, countless people are at risk of going hungry.

This video was recorded on April 14, 2020 on Facebook Live, in honor of the 27th annual Women’s Power Breakfast that was cancelled due to the state of emergency.

Here, Averill walks us through one of Gleaners new drive-up food distribution sites where families in need receive an average of 36 pounds of nutritious food. These sites are modeled after our School Food Mobiles, and offer a safe and efficient way for Gleaners to reach our goal of serving an additional 10,000 households per week.

Together with our partners, Gleaners is doing everything we can to serve those affected by the COIVD-19 pandemic. Learn more about our emergency response efforts here.