Virtual Cereal Drive: Because Now More than Ever, Kids Need Breakfast

DETROIT — For the past 11 years the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Professional Nurse Council at the Detroit Medical Center has partnered with Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan to lead a community effort to provide children with a consistent daily meal over summer recess.

Now more than ever, kids in Southeast Michigan need access to healthy breakfast options throughout the summer. Over the last eleven years, together, we have raised nearly 11 million servings of cereal.

Although we cannot get together and fill buses and trucks with cereal this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we can continue to help children eat this summer by donating to our Virtual Cereal Drive.

“At the Children’s Hospital of Michigan we see firsthand the impact food insecurity has on children’s health. The hospital does not just treat sick or injured children; we work to keep the children and families in our community healthy, and your support is appreciated now more than ever,” said Kathy Donovan, MSN, NE-BC, Chief Executive Officer, DMC Children’s Hospital of Michigan.

“Kids need healthy, wholesome food not just some of the time but all of the time, and especially in the summer when local children are at risk of hunger,” said Gerald Brisson, Gleaners president and CEO. “We are grateful to the Children’s Hospital of Michigan’s nurses and staff for the incredible efforts that go into the Annual Cereal Drive to support Gleaners and our hungry neighbors at this critical time of year.”

The 12th Annual Cereal Drive, and second Virtual Cereal Drive will kick off June 4 and runs through June 11. All virtual donations will go to Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan to support the community wherever the need is greatest this year. 

Simply visit to help feed children in our community this summer or request assistance for your family or a child you know. We look forward to June 2022, to once again be together filling buses and trucks of cereal.

About the Children’s Hospital of Michigan,

For over 130 years, the Children’s Hospital of Michigan has been dedicated to providing high quality care to children and adolescents in a caring, efficient and family-centered environment. With more than 40 pediatric medical and surgical specialty services, the hospital draws patients from nearly every Michigan County, 39 additional states, and 22 countries, annually and provides the highest level of pediatric specialty care available for children.  It is ranked as one of America’s best hospitals for children and sees more children than any hospital in the state.